The European Commission approved, on Wednesday, December 7, the National Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (PNS) of Romania, through which Romanian farmers and Romanian agriculture will benefit from 15.83 billion euros.
Unlike the previous programming periods, the PNS 2023-2027 includes support instruments financed both from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (direct payments and sectoral interventions (measures to support the market)) and from the European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (policy of rural development).
The PNS foresees 89 types of interventions, including 51 interventions through the EAGF and 38 interventions through the EAFRD, aiming to shift the focus from compliance to results and performance, in order to achieve European and national objectives.
At the same time, the PNS will introduce a support tool for farmers affected by losses of agricultural production by which compensation is granted in case of calamities